How to Develop a Logic Model

In academic medicine, many programs are supported through extramural funding. Applications for this funding often require a logic model, the development of which is usually learned by new grant writing team members on-the-fly. Building a logic model is not hard, and it is an iterative process. The logic model provides a dynamic framework during the planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs. This makes it sound like one of those things people give the label “no right or wrong way of doing it.” On the contrary, while there are different ways of building a model, a “right” and good logic model is part of a competitive, strategic proposal. The CDC provides a great brief overview of how to build a logic model, with sources for further exploration, here.

Remember, every element of an application that requires development is like a link in a chain. No matter how small or rote a section may seem, each one provides the chance to make a positive impression on reviewers and demonstrate solid, high-level skills (strong link) . . . or create a negative impression that leaves the reviewers questioning the team’s expertise, professionalism, and/or experience (weak link). So, view every section as a chance for you and your team to demonstrate your abilities and the strength of your application!

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