4 Quick Ways to Catch up on Critical Changes to Federal Grant Applications and Processes

Updated 12 December 2017.

Just a quick reminder to everyone to set some time aside over the holidays to review changes to NIH policy (e.g., clinical trials) before drafting a funding strategy for 2018. The new year is a great time to recommit to your funding pursuit and do some deep work on crafting a funding strategy and drafting some proposals, but that energy will be misspent if you haven’t spent some time catching up with NIH policies effective in the new year. So here are 4 great sources for news everyone applying for funding should know.

The NIH Extramural Nexus blog provides a wonderful resource for applicants, alerting readers to changes in NIH policy and diving deep into government funding data and issues upon occasion. The Grants.gov Community blog does a wonderful job of summarizing changes in policy and work flows that will impact applicants for all federal grants. I highly recommend following both blogs.  You may also follow Grants.gov and NIH Extramural Funding on Twitter (@grantsdotgov and @NIHgrants, respectively). Twitter is a great way to receive alerts of fresh posts about new policies if you don’t want to subscribe to the blogs per se.

Just to get you started, new human subject and clinical trial policies are going into effect:

Understanding the impact of the new human subject and clinical trial policies on selecting a funding opportunity announcement, developing an application, the review of applications, and reporting on grant awards will be critical in the upcoming months. We need all hands on deck to help us communicate these changes. To this end, we have made…

via Spreading the Word About Policies Impacting Human Subjects Research and Clinical Trials — NIH Extramural Nexus

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